Oral surgery services
Teeth extraction
Surgical teeth extraction
surgical extraction of impacted teeth

surgical-orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth

surgical treatment of periapical lesions (surgical treatment of the root of the tooth)

surgical treatment of developmental and inflamed cysts on the jaws and soft tissues

preprosthetic surgery

oral surgical interventions for risk patients

Cardio-vascular diseases: heart ischemia (angina pectoris), myocardial infarction, cardiac dysrhythmia, bacterial endocarditis, heart insufficiency (congestive heart diseases), essential hypertension.

Patients on anticoagulation, antiaggregation or combined therapy.

Pulmonary diseases: asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Kidney diseases: chronic kidney failure and renal dialysis.

Endocrine diseases: diabetes, hyperthyroidism, adrenal gland insufficiency. 

Hematologic diseases

Neural diseases
Surgical extraction of impacted teeth
Surgical and conservative treatment of paradontopathy
Surgical treatment of benign tumors on soft and bony tissues of the oral cavity
Guided bone regeneration using the most advanced methods available
prof. dr sci Asen Džolev
maxillofacial surgery specialist
Ratko Džolev DDS
oral surgery specialist
Boris Navratil DDS
periodontal surgery specialist
3d snimak

A 3-D image of a large cyst in the lower jaw

Teeth extraction – the basic and oldest method for treating dental and periodontal diseases. It can be easily carried out under local anesthesia, without harming the integrity of the surrounding healthy tissues and anatomical spaces.

Surgical teeth extraction – carried out under local anesthesia, with the goal of safe, minimally invasive removal of the roots of the teeth that cannot be removed using the standard approach.

Surgical extraction of impacted teeth – performed with the goal of removing the harmful effect that the impacted tooth has on other teeth. It is advised and often practiced in case of young patients suffering from orthodontic anomalies, as well as a part of the preparation for the orthodontic treatment.

Tooth root tip inflammation (root abscess) is a frequent disease of the supporting tissues of the tooth, and is efficiently treated under local anesthesia. This condition can be caused by dental caries, tooth pulp disease, irritation by the large composite fillings, traumas, inadequate dental healing.

Inflamed and developmental cysts of the stomatognathic system are discovered based on the medical history, clinical examination and RTG analyses. They are also treated surgically, normally under local anesthesia.

Preprosthetic surgery – a collection of surgical interventions to soft and bony tissues with the goal of creating better conditions for the construction of a definitive prosthetic piece.

Periodontal diseases are a frequent health issue which, apart from the loss of teeth, often has a negative impact on the whole body. Early diagnosis is crucial, as well as informing the patient about the importance of the adequate oral and dental care. That is the first step in the treatment of this disease. The following methods for further treatment can be applied:

  • removal of hard and soft deposits from the teeth
  • curretage of periodontal pockets
  • surgical treatment of paradontopathy
  • systemic application of chemiotherapeutic drugs