Thirty years of experience in dental implantology.
Over time, we have acquired important personal experience in the advantages and disadvantages of specific dental implant systems. In other words, we have become familiar with our own limitations in healing partially and completely toothless patients. Our strategy for a successful implant therapy consists of a correct indication, a minimally invasive, gentle surgical procedure and precise prosthetic work on the implants. The patient plays a very important role in the final success of the implant therapy. Good oral hygiene and regular checks are necessary. It has been over 30 years since Prof. Asen Džolev, Ph. D. installed his first implant in private practice. His adherence to all of the above mentioned principles, together with the patient’s personal discipline, ensured that the implant has remained functionally and esthetically active to this day.

Primer gotovog kombinovanog toronto mosta u gornjoj vilici (mateijali: titan baze, tehnomed mineral i individualne Prettau cirkon krune)
Izgled u ustima pacijenta pri maksimalnom osmehu
Izgled u ustima pacijenta prirodan osmeh
Izlazni profil (oblik desni oko implantata) nakon nošenja privremene krune
Gotova definitivna cirkonijumska kruna na antirotacijskoj titan bazi
Izgled u ustima pacijenta
Izlazni profili (desni oko integrisanih implantata)
Definitivni metalokeramički mostovi u ustima pacijenta
Izlazni profili (desni oko integrisanih implantata)
Definitivni metalokeramički mostovi u ustima pacijenta